Stepping out in faith

Hello everyone:
It can be frightening to start a new life. Maybe you didn’t have a choice in the matter or perhaps this was your decision. I want to encourage you that the best is yet to come.
This is a new chapter in your life, whether you are old of young. I’ve known gals who became divorcees in their 30s and 40s, while others lost their spouse much later in life.
I spoke with a gal just today who told me that one of her friends had been married nearly 50 years when her hubby decided younger was better and took off. How devastating!
The gal, a divorcee herself, told me that she loves her new humble-but-nice home because of the peace of mind it brings to her life. It reminded me of what we used to say when we recited the Home Interiors and Gifts’ Code of Ethics. It said in part:
We believe that the home should be a haven, a place of refuge, a place of peace, a place of harmony, and a place of beauty….
Is your home all of those things? If it isn’t, or if it hasn’t been for a while, maybe this change in your life is just what you need to get your haven back. Step out in faith that better days are coming. What are your thoughts on this?
Dr. Sheri
There are so many things to think about after 50 yrs. I know, been there 53 this Christmas. Our best man took the way of the husband of 50 yrs….to find that someone 20 yrs younger, was no bargain. Hard to keep up with, and actually wanted financial security. Went for divorce after 4 yrs of marriage. So, first marriage of 48 yrs down the drain an the new 4 yr marriage a lie. If the passion is gone, that happens over 50 yrs, then, you have to adjust to the friendship and that kind of love. The love that cares for one another. It isn’t easy getting older, but Viagra and younger women or men, is not the answer. What one needs to understand is, we all need someone that genuinely cares and will be there and help us through the aging process. The Bible says to treasure the wife of your youth. Why, because that was your passion, that wat where you wanted each other and needed each other and wanted to procreate with each other. Your desire to cherish, care, love one another. God provided that person for you and you for them. Care for and nurture one another, we live to care for each other. When that is gone, our lives sometimes lose meaning. We get lonely, and can pass on with broken hearts and lives.
Cindy, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I think you are right on the money here. I think that, by becoming actively involved with our church family, we can step into a “new normal” that will take us through the rest of our life without a spouse.
There’s nothing worse than realizing that your spouse considers you a placeholder for the woman of his dreams (who he works with, who has never given birth and therefore has no stretch marks, ans who is the age of your oldest child. He then claims that he never really loved you and that you were just someone who was fulfilling his needs while he waited for “her.”
That said, we can find true healing and happiness through serving the body of Christ because there’s always someone who has had it worse than we have.
Take care,
Dr. Sheri