Turning Sadness into Service

Hi Everyone:

I have a friend who lost her husband three weeks ago, after a long illness. He had dementia and had been failing for several years. This is the second husband she’s lost. Her first hubby died unexpectedly from complications as a result of his diabetes, as I recall.

Her second husband’s birthday was this week, so you know what she did? She baked some of her delicious homemade cupcakes and took them to the veterans’ home where her hubby breathed his last. It was her goal to brighten the day of the men and women who worked and lived there. She turned a sorrowful time of her own into a blessing for others.

What a great attitude she has! I wish I could say the same thing for my own attitude, don’t you? She always lifts people up, even when she is sorrowing.

Do you know anyone who has reacted to loss the way my friend did? I would love to hear your stories.


Dr. Sheri

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