Maintaining your fitness so you can control your life
Hello everyone:
I was talking to someone recently who was telling me about his elderly father. He was sharing the importance of keeping physically and mentally sharp so that a nursing home would not be necessary quite so soon.
He had some good points. If you don’t use your brain, you’ll lose it, as the old saying goes. How do you keep sharp?
My great aunt kept physically strong by walking everywhere. It is important to note that she lived in middle Tennessee, which is known for being full of hills. She walked everywhere except to the grocery. As a ninety-year-old, she finally started taking a taxi rather than trying to make it home with her groceries in hand. That was a concession not willingly granted, but the practicalities (and her physical strength) made it necessary.
My great aunt kept mentally strong by continuing to work a full time job at the age of 93. Not everyone can or will want to do this, but if this is not your idea of a nice way to spend your 90s, how about working crossword puzzles, reading books, and doing jigsaw puzzles? These are all ways to use it, not lose it.
What ideas do you have for keeping physically and mentally “with it?”
Dr. Sheri