Developing a Sense of Direction

Hello everyone:

Some widows have a problem in that their husbands drove everywhere so they did not know how to get anywhere. Ladies, if that applies to you, you absolutely must develop a sense of direction. Google maps, while not infallible, are a good start in getting directions so sit down at your computer, pull up the website google maps, and input a couple of addresses so you can learn how to get from Point A to Point B.

Take a trusted friend who has a good sense of direction with you and practice driving! If you don’t want to be stuck in the house all the time, you must get started and there is no time like right now (unless it’s the middle of the night, and then your friend might look at you a bit askance if you suggest a driving lesson). Unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from driving, do not rely on the kindness of your friends and family to drive you around forever. Show some independence and backbone!

Sometimes when you are driving somewhere in an area that you are unfamiliar with, you might find yourself forced to take a different road. I was driving home from work recently; I live some distance from where I am employed and do not know that area very well. As I was headed north on Route 4, the traffic became very backed up, to the point where we were completely stopped on the road which normally has a speed limit of 55.

There was a very bad accident that closed the road, so the police were directing traffic to turn around and head south. That road was the only way I knew to get home and there was no one available to tell me where to go or how to get there. I had a new cellphone and did not know how to use it to find a map of the area. There were no maps in my car, since I had recently traded in my old car and had not returned the maps to my glove compartment. I do not have a GPS with my new vehicle.

What could be done? It was then that I noticed the truck in front of me, which had also been traveling north, had bumper stickers that were from the nearby high school. The man was local, even though I wasn’t. It seemed reasonable to think that a local person would know more than one route to get where he wanted to go, so I followed him. All the time, I kept an eye on the compass on my rear view mirror to make certain we were going in the right direction. I also kept a mental picture of where I was in relationship to the road I had been on. Sure enough, in a few minutes, my unknown local friend had led me successfully back to the road I had been on, albeit past the accident.

I hope this helps get you “on the road again!” What tales of woe do you have to share on this topic? I would love to hear from you!


Dr. Sheri

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