When Do You Decide “Enough is Enough?”
Hello everyone:
A friend of mine is going through some rough times. Her hubby is apparently cheating; he mistreats her at every turn. He now openly flirts with everything in a skirt, if the gal is young enough to be his daughter. When should she throw in the towel?
She is a Christian and does not believe in divorce. She took the vow to “love and cherish him” and to “hold him only to herself for as long as they both shall live.” She promised “for better, for worse,” not knowing that it would become mostly “worse.” When should she give up?
Marriage is a lifelong commitment, at least to her way of thinking. But what if only one person in the couple is committed these days? At what point in time should she let him go? When does she admit that “enough is enough?” I would value your comments on these questions of great importance, so that I can pass them along to her.
Dr. Sheri