How to comfort someone going through a divorce

Hello everyone:

I recently saw an acquaintance that I hadn’t seen in a while. I asked how she was doing; it was a shock when  she told me that her hubby had left for an old flame- his high school sweetheart that he had reconnected with through Facebook. Talk about an awkward silence! How do you handle such an occurrence?

After hemming and hawing for a few minutes, I realized that a beautiful, accomplished woman was standing in front of me. She had been dumped through absolutely no fault of her own and she was hurting.

I asked her some basic questions about what had happened and then I simply asked how she was doing. She admitted that the past year had been difficult for her family and that it was going to take some time before they were back to “normal.” The “new normal,” whatever that would turn out to be. Like me, she is a Christian, so I said I would pray for her.

It might have seemed best to compliment her but it appeared to be best just to listen to what she had to say. Yes, she is slender and attractive but she wasn’t digging for compliments that said she is gorgeous and her husband is a fool. Two families and four children had been affected by this disaster. She just needed to share what she was going through. Sometimes listening, and praying for the person, are the best things that we can do to help ease the individual’s pain.




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  1. Wow, just found your card in my pile of work papers and thought I’d investigate your blog. I am deeply touched by this entry and am so blessed to have met you. I was very grateful for your kindness and understanding that day….you and your husband really made my day and I felt lightened and more confident about myself because of your words of encouragement and grace. Thank you so much! Btw…..I’m in a fantastic relationship with a caring and loving man and we are having an amazing time… goes on!!!!!

    1. Hi Steph:
      I am so glad that you were encouraged by my blog. I hope that you can join the discussion from here on out, even though you have now met a wonderful man. Your insights into divorce and a new relationship may be just the thing that warms another reader’s heart.

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