Shopping Cart Dilemmas: Are They Really Bumper Cars?

Hello everyone:
Let’s talk about shopping carts today. They are not bumper cars, no matter what one might think.
Gentlemen, you have a tendency to place your cart in the middle of the aisle as you shop. This forces others to wait while you peruse the grocery offerings. Don’t walk away from your cart; stay local. Translation: Your shopping cart is one thing that you really CAN take with you. (At least to the other side of the aisle. )
Waiting for you to decide what you want to buy is not fun. Maybe the others in the store are in a hurry (this is my perpetual condition). Maybe you think that jamming up the aisle is a good way to pick up chicks. It is not, under most circumstances.
The pretty lady who has caught your eye may get a very negative impression by her inability to get around you, so please be considerate and move your cart to one side of the aisle or the other. Take your body with you.
Quick side note: The other day, I got stuck behind a man who loved to eat. I got a view of him that I would have preferred to miss out on, as he repeatedly bent over to check out merchandise on the lower shelves while I waited. Fellows, this is not the same view that you get when a sweet young thing…. but I digress.
Please also note that I turned around and went to another aisle, rather than continue the private showing… but I digress. Again.
Also, gentlemen, please make sure that you check the area immediately surrounding you as you step out into the main aisle to continue your shopping. Otherwise, you may find yourself T-boning the other shoppers.
Further note: Being a thoughtful shopper is actually a more effective way to meet someone new. Men who are considerate are more likely to make a good first impression that might, just might, lead to an exchange of phone numbers and/or email addresses. Disclaimer: This may or may not happen, but you can dream.
This scenario is opposed to exchanging insurance information because you mowed the lady down in your unbridled haste (or lack thereof). Your call.
Dr. Sheri