Christmastime in singlehood

Hello friends:

Everywhere you look, others are getting ready to celebrate the holiday season with their family. But what if you are all alone? They’re posting holiday photos of parties they are giving or are going to and you aren’t invited.

This can be a rough time of year, my friend. Perhaps it is too late for this year, but let’s do some advanced planning for next year, shall we?

I have a good friend who is a single gal. She’s a never-married, but that doesn’t stop her from having folks over to party. She puts on fancy clothes, and her always-ready smile, and hosts get together gatherings herself. Yes, she is technically alone but you wouldn’t know it from her contagious smile on Facebook.  People want to join her parties because she has such a sense of fun. How about you?

Perhaps your budget won’t allow for a huge gathering, but how about a potluck party? Or perhaps just a dessert gathering (hey, that sounds like fun!). You could even invite folks over for cookies and punch, if that is more in line with your finances. The important thing here is to invite others and have a good time.

Maybe you are a charitable giver. How about joining the folks who place wreaths on the graves of fallen soldiers, or serving at a soup kitchen, or helping with your church’s annual Christmas party for community members? These are all things that take you out of your comfort zone for a while and allow you to give without a financial contribution.

Yes, it’s hard being alone, especially if you didn’t plan on this. This might not have been your choice, and it wasn’t even Plan B, C, or D, but it happened. Let’s work together to rejoin the world. You can do this! Be encouraged.


Dr. Sheri

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