The placid lake can cover up a multitude of ripples

Hello everyone:
The picture in today’s blog posting looks so calm and serene. There doesn’t seem to be a ripple, but there could be a lot going on under the surface that we never see.
Marriage can be like that, too. Maybe you had a marriage where everything looked great. Perhaps you were even one of those folks who had the perfect Facebook marriage. But there was stuff happening behind the scenes that no one ever saw, until now.
My friend, you are not alone, though it may seem that way. Please understand that you can have a calm, serene life again, even though it might not seem that way right now, in this instant.
If you need help managing your household as you make the transition from married to single again, you are in the right place. This website has advice I have gathered from experts in their field. If you have a question that I haven’t answered, ask in the comment area of any blog posting and I will check into it and get back to you.
This website is here for you, to help you answer the question, “What do I do now?”
Dr. Sheri