Getting over getting divorced
Hello everyone:
I don’t usually address the emotional aspects of becoming suddenly single, but a student of mine reminded me today of just how devastating it can be. It’s not the same as losing a spouse to death, since the dead spouse most likely wanted to be with you and your children. The divorced spouse didn’t.
One thing I find is, when someone says he or she “wants their own space,” it’s because they’ve found someone else to fill it. That is extremely difficult, especially if you are a faithful spouse who wanted to spend the rest of your life with your hubby or wife.
What can you do? I suggest joining a group of folks in the same boat, such as DivorceCare, which is available at many churches these days. Even denominations that do not condone divorce are offering it, and I understand that it can be very helpful.
The thing I want to tell you is that you are a good person. You are worthwhile; you are loved by someone, even if that person is no longer your wayward spouse. You can get through this and you will make it. Once you understand that, please do return again and again to my website, where you will find helpful tips for “what do I do now” and “what do I need to do next.”
Dr. Sheri